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A look on what's happening Now! & A guess for the Future!
Pd-stuff is flooding the Elite-boards. One Sysop already counts it
as around 60% of all warez traded on his board. If we would class all
freely spread stuff like Ascii-collys, Text-files, Demos, intros,
Music-Disks, Modules, and so on as in the Public Domains too,
even 60% might be an understatement
And it was only like less than 6 months ago, that you easily could
call a good PD-board and get some fresh PD, that you could upload on
an Elite-board. But nowadays all PD hits the Elite-boards about a week
before it arrives through the different Nets to your local PD-board!
And the trend is lesser and lesser Cracks, so don't expect this
to change back all by itself...
The CC's is harder and harder to get, and if you get them they won't
last like they used to. Virgin my ass is a common expression lately!
It's now impossible to call out of Sweden with any Mci-cards too.
They shut that opportunity down for some unknown reason. And I bet
that all the writings in NewsPapers and the discussions on NewsShows
in TV about kids cheating with telephone-cards won't make it better!
So expect AT&T to get smarter and the free calling to get harder!
This all means that the rule of 0-2 days warez might be history soon!
Cause how can we expect guys to deliver the goods as fast and as vivid
if they have to pay the overseas call all by themselves? The warez will
come, Yes, but not like it used to! So be prepared both Sysops & users!
The reason for lesser Cracks and maybe also lesser demo-coding might be
the lazyness of humanity. I mean when the elite of these 2 knowledges
started out, they had the "boring" C-64 and similar machines that didn't
offer much software or ready-made fun! So they had the natural inspiration
to make it happen by themselves! But nowadays when you buy your first
computer, you will get lots of interactive entertainment as a bundle.
And I believe that cramps the lust of making your own stuff, cause you
will be busy playing great games or using software "for dummies"!
I hope I'm wrong on this, but the trend says the opposite!
And the scene is full of all those Gamers now!
There will still be group-releases of commercial games, Yes!
And the software Industry might still skip the copy-protections,
cause they have learned it to be useless anyhow, when there were great
crackers out there. So don't inform them if this changes to the bad!
A guess is that many of the future releases will be bought Games without
copy-protection! And that the new way of joining a group won't depend on
your skills, but more if you can afford to go and buy a new Game that
your group can release under their name!
So if all this happens, there's only trading skills that can keep us elite!
Anyone calling PD-boards knows how sad it feels to see the way they trade;
old and new files mixed, strange descriptions in mixed swedish and english
and often missing vital information - just check pictures, and then there
is no support to depend on for the latest versions of important software,
cause everything drops in if the users feel for it, I mean PD-boards are
the dream for Leechers! And that's why it's no fun to engage oneself in
those boards! I like a vibrant scene where the callers can feel that some-
thing happens... Not a PD-board where you only can see who leeched last!
I want Latest Versions Only! Correct descriptions, and your upload-bytes
faked/taken if you manage to screw up on any of these two conditions!
Then there is the Request Area for the rest and one Message-base only,
not 50 different, so you can't change the subject in a conversation!
That's the only way I like to trade! Otherwise I can't be bothered!
Please! Add your own opinion to this, cause the future is closing in!
MgM/iTc 02-Okt-94 20:48:24.