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[-------------------------( Scene-News )---------------------------]
The Last Swede joined iFFTic. His independent days are gone!
Slash/Citron. became a good friend to iFFTic after leaving us.
Maybe we both did ourselves a favour by splitting up?
The Vote-Door went out to 6 boards again, without takin a break
for a month, like we use to do. New boards were Total Eclipse and
Trancentral. City of JoY and Crime Zone were the ones to stand back!
Total Disaster had a UL-compo with 60 mb to the winner!
Juan&harpoon fought hard, but Yogi/iTc was impossible to match!
J&H finish second and got 30 mb for that, and noone came in third!
Sandman of Epsilon Design released his fourth ascii-collection,
it was called "the fourth dimension of ascii" and included clip-art!
A stupid Nazi-propaganda Amiga-guide called Gryning were spread by
guys with more attitude than brains! Most boards nuked it hard!,
but Rebel of Trancentral felt that the freedom of speech included
this one and allowed it to live on.
Dagcentral 90210 opened up again and announced it with big adds,
promising 3 nodes. It stayed up a day or 2 and it had only 1 node!
After a week it was up again, but right now it's down again!
I wonder if it's the same Node that goes down and up? :-()
The guys behind it are Zwinx and Rage, so the rumours that it should
be Biotech/iTc who would open it up again, proved themselves wrong!
Cabbe & Master joined accounts and are now Cabbe ^ Master.
They are franchising for Livets Ord & and are after your soul!
Total Eclipse now runs on an a1200 and a new HD, a Western Digital.
-A big step for humanity :) going from tiny 86 mb to now 420 Mb!
Total Eclipse now also have the essential Blizzard 1220 Memory-card.
City of Joy became the first board in town to run on a 28.8 DS modem
West became the second board in town to get a 28.8 DS modem
Unicorn got a bigger HD of 540 mb, all together now 780 mb to fill!
Unicorn also got a new faster modem, it's a USR terbo 21.6! (upgradeable)
Crime Zone got a new Hd with 540 Mb and some more ram-memory as well.
Still just 1 node. Someone just hate these adds with 46-31-SooN/eLiTE!!
Ul-Compo at Trancentral, 50-30-10 Mb to the winners, heavy competition
at first between Sandman and Zcandaler with Magma securing the third place.
But then something fucked up, Weektops with wrong bytes made S & M upset
and Zcandaler who were lucky, sailed away on a solo-ride and won the Compo.
Lots of confusion and mishaps in this compo, so no accusations to anyone,
except maybe the Sysop, who didn't break in and clearified the situation!
There is still no presentation of the results, so only the ones who won
some of the bytes are able to really know. ( I can tell you from my own
experience that I got 10 Mb and that Sandman told me he got his Mb's! :)
Yeah! Dexter made it! Total Disaster now runs on a GVP G-FORCE 030!
May the speed be with You, young man! (more Ram memory is on the way too!)
The Baron of DefJam agreed to join iFFTic at the last minute of finishing
up this chart! DefJam will be kept somehow for sentimental reasons,
but iFFTic will be the main flag for him and his board now! Wow another
iFFTic board too? Yes! it's true! West BBS is now the iFFTic Drive-In.
And when we say Drive-In, it's not just for a cool name!, cause West Now
has the Serialport locked at 115600. & accepts v.Fast, v.Terbo, v.34, etc.
So there's no need to park your modem outside - bring it in! C U there!
Dagcentral 90210 has been up for some days now... Latest News Rulez!
[-------------------------( Scene-News )---------------------------]