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You will get DSBLD when You don't need it anymore!
You will lose your 3:1 ratio when you reach 1:1!
A Fake on one board is not a fake on another board!
A Major on one board is not a major on another board!
You might have to inform the Sysop to get your Major!
You might not get faked if you know the Sysop!
You can get kicked out of the board for personal reasons!
You might have to nag to get your Ax up, heavy trading isn't enough!
Friendly advices, can easily be taken as criticism!
There are no guarantees on anything!
The backup of the User-Data is your only safety!
Check your bytes before and after UL/DL, keep your scrollbacks for
atleast a week, cause it's your only chance of proving your creds!
If You trade like hell for a short time and take a break, there will
be instant nagging. Better to keep a steady flow and avoid the abuse!
When you have proven yourself as a good trader, then make sure that all
your personal datas in the quest gets deleted! No reason to let a Sysop
keep your adress and phone-number! Just think if the board gets busted!
A Sysop who doesn't know his Amiga very well,
seldom knows his Ami-Express any better!
A Sysop requesting a file that's already online is seldom blind!
All Extra-bytes are fake-bytes. Like; Request-bytes & Weektop-bonuses...
So a board with 1 Gig Up, very seldom have all those bytes really traded,
but the Major-bytes and the Nuked bytes might equal out some times!
Just because we are Users, doesn't make the Sysops Givers!
Anyone still lame after 6 months in the Scene, will stay lame forever!
A Gamer is a grown-up Lamer!
These guys should sell their modems and buy a couple of Originals with fat
manuals, and stay happy outside the scene, instead of leeching and asking
stupid questions on walls or in letters, like; how do I pass that monster?
The expression Lamer comes from the classic saying: LameBrain
A word I just heard in a b/w-movie with Sophia Loren & Clark Gable (1958).
About 5 boards could easily handle the complete Gothenburg-Scene!
What we have is Chewing-gum-Trading! A board with more Upload than
Download is the Evidence for this Theory! Just check it out!
The goal should be a Ratio of 3 download on every Major Upload!
Big Iff-Adds are relatives to Fakes!
Wildcard-Adds are relatives to Viruses!
Any trader could strip his wares from adds if he wanted to, but who
wants to lose those creds, when no Sysop is complaining about it?
Many Sysops demands Sent-lines, but uses none themselves!
Never ask for higher standard than your own!
MgM/iTc 03-Okt-94 09:23:33