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M Y V I E W !
(This is mainly directed to the sysop's in the GBG scene!)
First, u do all complain about lamers/fakes/renames etc etc, still u let
any user in on u'r boards that has a handle? Why don't u take u'r time and
check the users instead? For example we have this guy called Sir.Cobra.
He has been trying to get in on all elite boards in the area, and to my
surprise I saw him on sum boards.. As always when it comes to this guy he
packs some old demo or game and upload it (sometimes he even renames them
to filenames like JETSTRIKE and removes the DMS extension). Now does this
guy really belong in 'the scene'?! Haven't u all learned that this guy
(who used to go under the handle FIDO) is just a simple lamer who can't
behave in a proper way on elite boards?!
Ofcoz we as sysop's have some sort of responsibility to the scene to let
a few guys in and give them a shot but not EVERYONE, atleast that's what I
think. I'm in gratitude to SdN for giving me the first glimpse at the
scene and for giving me a few easy bytes in upload on his board so I could
get started, I think I have done the same thing to a few guys on my board
but still I wont give ALL the newusers a chance, maybe 1 out of 10, not 9
out of 10, in that way we will only destroy the GBG scene (for whatever is
left of it, sure as hell it isn't friendship).
Let's start taking this responsibility and even try to start helping
eachother some times and what the heck we might all win on it, and ofcoz
create a better environment for our users and a far better local scene
than the one we have today (wich in my eyes are just disasterous)!